Saturday, March 5, 2011


Movies are all about the audience. A lot of movies that are successful have central themes that the audience can relate to. Films that win best picture often are reflective in the issues of that time, and some best picture winners win because they are "Timeless Classics".  Many acclaimed films appeal to a wide audience with different ages and demographics. But are movies that are reflective of their time frame out of context in today's world? Are timeless classics really timeless? And are great movies recieved as great movies even to...say...a 16 year old female in 2011?

That's what I'm looking to see. If I asked my peers what their favortie movies are, I'd probably get a lot of The Hangover, Mean Girls, Avatar responses and unfortunately a few Twilight, Transformers, The Last Song answers. I doubt they've even heard of The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, or Casablanca, which are all critically acclaimed movies. I have seen or at least heard of all of these and I am very up to date with Oscar knowledge. But recently I've been watching some old movies (no offense but "old" means 70's and earlier...) and I haven't been feeling the same warmth as some of the critics. I still find them good movies but...not exceptional.

I think its because I don't feel the same issues as the audience who saw it when it was released. But that's the project: Do great movies stand up, even when out of context and away from its target demographic? We'll see.

I'll be viewing, commenting, and critiquing some great movies of the last decade and now then compiling my own "Best Movies Ever Made" list by the end of it.

Let's see how it goes.

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